The semiotic web

Quite a long time ago I read a fascinating article on semiotics and user-interface design. My recollection is that it made the argument that computer user interfaces could be broken up into roughly three branches: “menus”, where you have a few options to choose between, and that’s it; “WIMP paradigm” where you’ve got windows, icons, menus and a pointer and can gesticulate to get things done; and “command oriented” where you type commands in to have things happen.

While the WIMP paradigm is obviously pretty good, it’s restricted by its “metaphoric” nature: you have to represent everything you want to do with a picture — so if you don’t have a picture for something, you can’t do anything with it. In effect, it’s reduces your interaction with computers to point-and-grunt, which is really kind of demeaning for its operators. Can you imagine if the “communication skills” that were expected of you in a management role in business were the ability to point accurately and be able to make two distinct grunting noises?

On the other hand, if your system’s smart enough to actually do what you want just based on a wave of your hand that is pretty appealing — it’s just that when you want something unusual — or when your grunts and handwaving aren’t getting your point across — you can’t sit down and explain what you want merely with more grunts and pointing.

Obviously that’s where programming and command lines come in — both of which give you a range of fairly powerful languages to communicate with computers, and both of which are what people end up using when they want to get new and complicated things done.

It’s probably fair to say that the difference between programming languages and command line invocations is similar to essays and instant messaging — programs and essays tend to be long and expect certain formulas to be followed, but also tend to remain relevant for an extended period; an IM or a command line invocation tends to be brief, often a bit abbreviated, and only really interesting exactly when it’s written. Perhaps “tweet” or “facebook status update” would be a more modern version of IM — what can I say, I’m an old fogey. In any event, my impression is that the command line approach is often a good compromise when point-and-grunt fails: it’s not too much more effort, but brings you a lot more power. For instance,

$ for a in *.htm; do mv "$a" "${a%.htm}.html"; done

isn’t a very complicated way of saying “rename all those .htm files to .html”, compared to first creating a program like:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
for name in os.listdir("."):
    if name.endswith(".htm"):
        os.rename(name, name[:-4]+".html")

and then running it. And obviously, one of the advantages of Unix systems is that they have a very powerful command line system.

In any event, one of the things that strikes me about all the SaaS and cloud stuff is that there really isn’t much a linguistic equivalent to the command line for the web. If I want to do something with gmail, or flickr, or facebook I’m either pointing and grunting, or delving deeply into HTML, javascript, URLs, REST interfaces and whatever else to make use of whatever arbitrary APIs happen to be available.

A few services do have specialised command line tools of course — there’s GoogleCL, various little things to upload to flickr, the bts tool in devscripts to play with the Debian bug tracking system, and so forth.

But one of the big advantages of the web is that you aren’t meant to need special client side tools — you just have a browser, and leave the smarts on whichever web server you’re accessing. And you don’t get that if you have to install a silly little app to interface with whichever silly little website you happen to be interested in.

So I think there ought to be a standard “command line” API for webapps, so that you can say something like:

$ web search -q='hello world'

to do a Google search for ‘hello world’. The mapping from the above command line to a URL is straightforward: up until the option arguments, each word gets converted into a portion of the URL path, so the base url is, and options get put after a question mark and separated by ampersands, with regular URL quoting (spaces become plusses, irregular characters get converted to a percent and a hex code), in this case ?q=hello+world.

The obvious advantage is you can then use the same program for other webapps, such as the Debian BTS:

$ web cgi-bin bugreport.cgi --bug=123456 --mbox=yes
From Tue Dec 11 11:32:47 2001
Received: (at submit) by; 11 Dec 2001 17:32:47 +0000
Received: from [] (root)
	by with esmtp (Exim 3.12 1 (Debian))
	id 16Dqlr-0007yg-00; Tue, 11 Dec 2001 11:32:47 -0600

It obviously looks cleaner when you use the shorter url (web 123456), although due to the way the BTS is setup, you also lose the ability to specify things like mbox format then.

Of course, web pages are in all sorts of weird formats, too: having Google’s HTML and javascript splatter all over your terminal isn’t very pleasant, for instance. But that’s what pipes are for, right?

$ web chart --cht=p3 \
    --chs=400x150 --chd=t:2,3,5,10,20,60 \
    --chl='Alice|Bob|Carol|Dave|Ella|Fred' | display


It’d probably be interesting to make “web” clever enough to automatically pipe images to display and HTML to firefox and so on, depending on what media type is returned.

Obviously you can use aliases just like you’d use bookmarks on the web, so saying:

$ alias gchart='web chart'
$ alias debbug='web cgi-bin bugreport.cgi'

lets you type a little less.

Anyway, I think that makes for a kind-of interesting paradigm for looking at the web. And the “web” app above is pretty trivial too — as described all it does is convert arguments into a URL according to the given formula.

Things get a little more interesting if you try to make things interactive; a webapp that asks you your name, waits for you to tell it, then greets you by name is made unreasonably difficult if you try to do it on a single connection (with FastCGI and nginx for instance, the client has to supply the exact length of all the information you’re going to send before it will receive anything, and if you don’t know what you’re going to need to send up front…). Which means that so far my attempts to have web localhost bash behave as expected aren’t getting very far.

The other thing that would be nice would be passing files to remote web apps — being able to say “upload this avi to youtube” would be more elegant as web upload ./myvideo.avi than web upload <./myvideo.avi, but when web doesn’t know what “youtube” or “upload” actually means, that’s a bit hard to arrange. After all, maybe you were trying to tell youtube to do the uploading to your computer, and ./myvideo.avi was where you wanted it to end up.

Anyway. Thoughts appreciated.


  1. Ben Martin says:

    I’ve been playing around with making web services just virtual filesystems. There is always much on the todo list unfortunately, but it solves the semantic issues with pipe and redirect because you should be able to cat your webcam and pipe it into youtube assuming the specific vfs implementations are strong enough.

    If you are interested see:
    And if you can get Linux Format:

  2. Two services come to mind that are related to what you want, if not exactly what you want:

    “an expressive SQL-like language that lets you query, filter, and join data across Web services”

    “a command line for the web”

    I agree somewhere between “search shortcuts on steroids” and “AI-complete assistant” there is a do-able and useful command-line-like service for the web that would be invaluable.

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